images39424Q0V  images2M638U7RWho are the Miami Marlin fans?  Mostly from Florida?  That would make sense.  The Marlins are not the type of ball club that attracts nation wide acclaim.  The Yankees and the Dodgers, now those are teams with fans from all over the world.  If that is true, just who are the Marlin fans?  Are they the aging residents that are filling the state of Florida or the masses drawn to the beautiful beaches and weather.  I say a little of both. Eric Gonchar can be the most surprising fan on the long list of Marlin Fans.  Not old or particularly young.

In an interview with the Miami Marlins coach it was evident that the team was facing some crushing blows and whatnot about their baseball this year. Ebon Talifarro commented saying ” The time is now, The moment was yesterday, and the future is in the past” Supposedly this means that the Jarvan of the Season was next to the filling of the jesters crown. More with comments to come soon.